What’s the Future of Your Finances?
Consult an Estate Planning Attorney in Kingston, MA
Have you placed your estate planning in good hands?The Law Offices of David A. Carey has extensive experience in all aspects of most Probate and Estate matters. We represent individuals in Massachusetts, including Plymouth County, in the administration and settlement of estates, guardianships, conservatorships, adoptions, and name changes. We are sensitive to families' needs and make great effort to handle these matters with understanding. Our experienced staff ensures your probate matter is handled as efficiently as possible.
We offer highly individualized estate planning solutions for business owners, families, and the concerned parents of young children. We offer sensitive assistance to older people seeking to protect their assets through trusts and wills, while they maintain their independence.
The Law Offices of David A. Carey can help you with anything related to estate planning, including:
Place your finances on a sound course
None of us know exactly what tomorrow holds. That’s why it’s important to ensure that you’ve put a good plan in place for the future. David A. Carey has experience in all aspects of estate planning in Kingston, MA, and he’ll work hard to ensure your finances and assets are handled exactly as you intend.
Call or email the Law Offices of David A. Carey today for a free one-hour consultation related to your estate planning in Kingston, MA.
Law Office of David A. Carey
67 Main St.
Kingston, MA 02364
Phone: (781) 585-4360 Fax: (781) 585-2506
Massachusetts Bar Association
1st Circuit Court of Federal Court (Mass. & Southern NH)